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External characteristics
  Body constructions
As it is with Russian blue cats, Russian point cats are relativly long and have impressive influence. It has long legs and tails, which gets pointed at the end. The head is wide and pointed, and it must not be too long. The ears are located high and have a wide base, are big. The nose has a straight profile. The jaw is strong, the neck is long and strong.

Short, double, silky as it is with Russian blue cats, smooth upon touching. In must not adhere or cling to the body.

Color of the fur
Bright, well designed blue points, which gets darker with age and under the influence of weather conditions as it is with Siamese cats. The kittens are borned white, the points develope (grow) gradually.

Almond eyes, as it is with Russian blue cats, located far apart from each other and should not be too small. The color of the eyes is blue as it is the case with Siamese cats.
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