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Identity of parents origin and genetical tests

Because, we have been blamed that this cats are not the offsprings of Russian blue cats, on the contrary crossbreeds, we decided to prove this irreversibly. Even though we know from where and from whom this allegations emanate and of its motive. The authors of this allegations are well known breeders of Russian blue cats and their motive was the feeling that the publication of this information directly threatens their breeding.

If you are a little bit informed about the breeding of pedigree cats and study in detail the identity of their origine, you will come to know that minimaly some of the ancestors of Russian point cats have got in their pedigree even most of Russian blue cats bred in Czech Republic. In this case we have to admit, that the gene for points is carried by large number of Russian blue cats than we suppose (think).
The gene for points is recesive. It means, in order to be handed over (inherited)) to the offsprings both parents must be carriers of this gene. Moreover when the offsprings are clasical cats (absolutely blue with green eyes) it doesn´t mean, that the gene has not been handed over (inherited). It is not just displayed, but can be handed down further. For breeders of Russian blue cats this gene is not desired. Because in Czech Republic other than Russian blue cats are not recognized. In consequence Czech breeders of Russian blue cats came to the conclusion, that the best solution will be to make this situation laughable, and to make of us liars and deceivers, and consequently to turn away the attention from above mentioned problem, respectively from the cats sold by them, which have in their pedigree a number of common genes as Russian point cats.

We are of-course sorry for their feeling of being threatened. But this problem realy exists, and that we will not talk about it, and white cats born along with the blue ones, will be exterminated, is not the solution. And once for all to stop discussing about it whether this cats are offsprings of pure Russian blue cats, we let them being tested their gene by well-known firm, which also makes genetical tests of people. Both parents of Russian point cats - Russian blue cat and Russian blue Tom cat are marked. The identification has been carried out not only according to submited identity of origine, but also (mainly) be reading the mark with the help of three independent individuals who are workers of veterinary laboratory. It was investigated about the parents of our two cats (Russian point cats) respectively it was one adult cat and younger Tom cat. The investigation proved that both parents of the cats (Russian point cat) are pure (Russian blue cat). It means both tested parents are carriers of the aboved mentioned gene. Consequently some of the ancestors of these parents also carried this gene.

Below you can have a look about the identity of origine of both parents and the result of the genetical test.


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